Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust í Bretlandi leitar eftir samstarf við æðarbændur.
Til félagsmanna í ÆÍ
Amanda Bradbury hjá Wildfowl & and Wetlands Trust í Bretlandi leitar eftir samstarf við æðarbændur. Sjóðurinn er að þróa votlendismiðstöð og eitt af verkefnunum er að fjalla um tengsl villtra fugla og manna í sögu og menningu. Sýningin er ætluð fjölskyldufólki. Þau hafa áhuga á að setja upp æðarvarp að íslenskum hætti, m.a. með skýlum, dekkjum og jafnframt sýna söfnun og hreinsun æðardúns. Hún leitar eftir ýmsu sem hægt væri að nota á sýningunni. Eftirfarandi er bréfið frá Amanda ásamt upplýsingum um verkefnið, netfang og símanúmer.
I’m writing on behalf of Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) the UK’s leading wetland conservation charity. We are in the process of redeveloping our Wetland Centre at Slimbridge in Gloucestershire as part of a major Heritage Lottery bid of £6 million pounds. Out of the 12 projects we are developing, one will celebrate the relationship between people and wildfowl through history and culture. This highly interactive and engaging exhibit is targeted for families.
Aside from a farmyard exhibit we want to create an Icelandic eider down farm demonstrating how people can sustain livelihoods from wildfowl. There will be captive eiders in a landscape that has been inspired from picture reference (including holiday pictures!) on eider farming in Iceland eg. the use of tyres or small driftwood shelters as nests, the volcanic coastlines and turf walls forming a backdrop to a display area on how eider down is collected, cleaned and then processed into duvets and pillows.
I’m looking to find equipment that is used to farm and process down that we can put on display. Ideally I would like to source the real thing than make replicas. I was wondering if you would be able to help me get in touch with the right people.
Happy to talk further about this exciting project.
Thanks you in anticipation,
Amanda Bradbury
Senior Interpretation Designer
Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT)
Slimbridge, Glos GL2 7BT, UK
T +44 (0)1453 891125
F +44 (0)1453 890827
M +44 (0)7930 523 595
E amanda.bradbury@wwt.org.uk
W wwt.org.uk